How do you create a constricted waistline that removes the flesh from your sides?

How do you create a constricted waistline that removes the flesh from your sides?

There were people who were having a hard time during the period when crop T-shirts (also known as hesodashi T-shirts) became popular like these days. They accumulated a lot of fat in their sides and stomachs. Also known as Dongbae, if you put a lot of flesh on the love handle, your clothes would get thicker, and if you didn’t put much effort into it, you might feel embarrassed. So at the beginning and end of the year, it was natural to lose side fat, and there were people who suddenly took PT or prepared a large amount of chicken breast meat to control their diet. It’s already been almost a month since you started this year, but did you succeed in your diet?

Apparently, most people exercised and ate a lot for the first few days, but they gave up quickly and now they are back to being lazy again after the period ends. Rather, many people seemed to have gained weight as social distancing restrictions were lifted and opportunities to gather with many people increased. So today, what I would like to recommend to you as a way to lose fat on your side was to remove fat directly.The method was to cut the skin about 2.5mm, then insert a cannula and inhale fat cells. An hour to an hour and a half on the side is enough, but if it’s small, it can quickly remove thousands of cc of fat. In the future, I will go through a recovery period with pain and discomfort as much as muscle pain, and I was able to see the effect of removing fat directly.

In fact, when you saw pictures that were photographed in the same condition, the pants, can see the meat on the pants, and the pants were disappeared?The front line of the bent waist is smooth S line, and this way, and the abdomen has been removed from the front part of the abdomen, and the other words.If you remove fat, it was quite good, it was quite good, but it’s not sure that it was better than the diet.Also, if there was no line, the waist, the waist, the waist, and the wind, and the wind of the right side.

Some people may be worried about cutting the skin, but it wasn’t that much to worry about. In general, we used a thick cannula of 5 to 6 mm, but in our hospital, we only used a thin cannula of 2 to 2.5 mm. Also, as you can see in the picture above, when wearing underwear and pants, the hidden part was incised, so I couldn’t see it well when I wore a swimsuit and short pants. In the case of the picture above, it was taken quite early, and after a few months, it became almost indistinguishable.

Among those who are investigating removing side fat, I sometimes meet people who are suffering from scars. I thought it was because I often read the case of those who cut into 5-6mm pieces. In our hospital, we performed only a very small area of incision, but we also performed scar laser treatment without limiting the number of times. No matter how long the time passed, I could have come whenever you wanted, but my chest was so small that few people went there for a long time, so I didn’t do it after a couple of times.

If you are a high-slim, you don’t have to worry about losing weight on your sides. In most cases, medical personnel do not do it themselves, but we concentrated on only one person until the end with several people being deployed at the same time. Some people change their posture so that the cannula can pass through, push and pull the skin, and others focus on vital checks. It is very good for preventing emergencies and can respond quickly in case of an emergency. For those with low abdominal elasticity or severe sagging due to pregnancy or childbirth, it was also good to try laser surgery to reduce side fat. If you have a laser device, you can expect lifting effects that improve skin elasticity through collagen production and regeneration, and tightening that reduces the area of already sagging skin.

And I didn’t have to worry about the recovery procedure, but I could manage it according to each person’s recovery speed in a one-person management room. Post-management doesn’t have a big impact on the results, but it was true that recovery was faster and easier to move with a professional manager.

And I didn’t have to worry about the recovery procedure, but I could manage it according to each person’s recovery speed in a one-person management room. Post-management doesn’t have a big impact on the results, but it was true that recovery was faster and easier to move with a professional manager.

And I didn’t have to worry about the recovery procedure, but I could manage it according to each person’s recovery speed in a one-person management room. Post-management doesn’t have a big impact on the results, but it was true that recovery was faster and easier to move with a professional manager.

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